Welcome to Fidelity International’s China Stewardship Report, the third biennial edition of this joint publication with ZD Proxy Shareholder Services. Our latest analysis shows a levelling off in the rate at which shareholders were attending meetings and the pace of progress is no longer accelerating in the same way.
Mapping the investment implications of a more disorderly transition
The economic and market risks presented by climate change are likely still being underestimated by investors, partly due to challenges modelling their impacts. We have therefore adopted a framework that harnesses the Network for Greening the Financial System’s climate scenarios and our own proprietary Capital Market Assumptions model to assess the effects of climate risks on structural investment returns across asset classes.
Our Influence and stewardship report aims to demonstrate how our sustainable investment activities remained focused on creating long-term shareholder value for our clients through multiple stewardship tools, including company engagement, proxy voting, policy advocacy and industry collaborations.
Addressing nature loss is a complex challenge. Therefore, we have carefully considered our approach to integrating nature into our investment and stewardship processes, in line with our fiduciary duty to safeguard and enhance the assets that we manage.
This report provides an update on our efforts to make Fidelity a more sustainable company during 2022. Read about the key initiatives that will drive the next stage of our progress towards a sustainable future for Fidelity.
This report outlines our approach to proxy voting and corporate engagement, providing key insights into how we voted across our funds invested in Australian companies during 2021.
Fidelity’s fiduciary role is to safeguard and enhance the funds that we manage for the benefit of our investors. In this report, we explore our own proprietary ESG tools that is designed to enable the integration of sustainability into our fundamental investment research.
This report aims to capture and report to clients our stewardship activities in Australia. Our goal, ultimately, is to be able to report on the impact we are having both directly and indirectly on ESG issues that affect our investee companies.
Our Deforestation Framework explains how we plan to engage with stakeholders to address agricultural commodity-driven deforestation risks across investment strategies in a way that aligns with our active, bottom-up research approach to investing.
Fidelity International China Stewardship Report 2022
This report is a proprietary study of shareholder voting and engagement trends and case studies in China encompassing 6,385 shareholder meetings and 49,642 resolutions between 2020 and mid-2022, across 749 current and former constituents of the MSCI China A Onshore Index.
As a business we’re committed to enhancing our own sustainability profile, and as an asset manager we recognise that our greatest potential impact lies in helping our invitee companies to enhance theirs. Find out how we’re tracking.
Living our company purpose
Just as the pandemic has forced individuals, communities and nations around the world to re-examine their core beliefs and how to live by them, companies are evolving their business strategies. At Fidelity International, we too have applied the lessons of 2020 to foster more sustainable growth.
An overview of our voting activity for Australia and New Zealand companies in 2022, intended to provide you with a flavour for how we approach shareholder voting.
A common issue cited with climate change investing is a lack of clarity over the language used in this field. Our glossary is designed to help build a common understanding of some of the more frequently used terms.